Closed: Thames Ventures VCT 1 Plc and Thames Ventures VCT 2 Plc have now merged to become Foresight Ventures VCT plc (information to follow in due course)

Thames Ventures VCT 2 Plc

Investing in businesses seeking funds to finance their growth.

Thames Ventures VCT 2 Plc invests in a portfolio of venture capital investments and liquidity investments, with a target annual dividend of at least 4% of the Venture Shares NAV.

Click here to view the regulatory announcements for Thames Ventures VCT 2 Plc.


NAV Per Share Class


Venture Shares

As at 31 March 2024


AIM Shares

As at 31 March 2024


DP67 Ordinary Shares

As at 31 March 2024

Financial Calendar

Year End March
Annual Report & Accounts Published July
Half Year September
Half yearly report published December
Annual General Meeting September

Meet the Board

Dividend History

Venture Shares

29 September 2023 Final 1.25p
30 September 2022 Interim 2.75p
24 September 2021 Interim 2.75p
25 September 2020 Interim 2.5p

Health Care Shares

29 September 2023 Final 1.25p
30 September 2022 Interim 3.50p
24 September 2021 Interim 2.75p
25 September 2020 Interim 2.5p

DSO D Shares

28 March 2024 Interim 2.7p
28 January 2022 Special 7.5p
29 November 2019 Special 18p
13 August 2018 Interim 24p
2 November 2017 Special 25p
29 September 2017 Final 2.5p
6 January 2017 Interim 2.5p
30 September 2016 Final 2.5p
23 December 2015 Interim 2.5p
30 September 2015 Second Interim 2.5p
30 January 2015 Interim 2.5p
30 September 2014 Final 2.5p
24 January 2014 Interim 2.5p
13 September 2013 Final 2.5p
25 January 2013 Interim 2.5p
28 September 2012 Final 2.5p

DP67 Shares

Pre-merger dividends N/A 21.8p
29 November 2019 Special 18p
16 March 2018 Special 20p
29 September 2017 Final 2.0p
6 January 2017 Interim 2.0p
30 September 2016 Final 2.0p
23 December 2015 Interim 2.0p


If you are not in possession of your share certificate, you will be required to contact the registrar to advise that you require a replacement share certificate. Please send a letter confirming you have lost your share certificate, and City will contact the company direct and arrange to provide a replacement share certificate. Please send your signed letter to:- The City Partnership (UK) Limited, The Mending Rooms, Park Valley Mills, Meltham Road, Huddersfield HD4 7BH. You may also send a scanned signed copy to

If you wish to sell your shares you can contact any bank or stockbroker. You are also advised to discuss the individual tax position with a financial adviser before deciding to sell the shares.

There are 2 options available for selling your shares:-

  1. Sell them through a bank or stockbroker, as with any listed stock.
  2. Sell them through the company’s buy back policy if available, by contacting the company directly.

If you need to update your mandate instructions on your shareholding, please login to your Investor Hub account, click on ‘My Shares’ and then click on your name. You then need to click the ‘Bank Details’ tab and complete the relevant fields before clicking ‘Save’.

Alternatively, please complete a Dividend Mandate Form or inform City (the registrar) in writing of your bank account details and send to:- The City Partnership (UK) Limited, The Mending Rooms, Park Valley Mills, Meltham Road, Huddersfield HD4 7BH. You may also send a scanned signed copy to

If you are a joint shareholder all shareholders must sign the mandate form. Individuals signing on behalf of a company must state their capacity (signing authority).

If you need to update your Dividend Reinvestment Scheme election on your shareholding, please login to your Investor Hub account and follow these steps:-

  • Click on ‘My Shares’ and then on your name
  • You now need to click the ‘Summary’ tab and select your relevant shareholding description
  • Now you will see your general shareholding details (as well as details of transactions, share certificates, payments, and dividend elections (if applicable))
  • Select ‘Details’ and scroll down to the ‘Election Type’ section and click ‘Change’
  • Scroll down again to the ‘Manage Election’ section
  • Now check the details are correct and read the terms and conditions
  • To finalise, tick the declaration at the bottom and click ‘Submit’

If you would like to enrol in the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme, you may also complete a form (a PDF should be downloadable in the ‘Manage Election’ section). You may also either visit the company’s website to download a Dividend Reinvestment Scheme election form, if available or email City at to request one.

If you would like to withdraw from the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme on your Investor Hub account, please return to the ‘Election Type’ section and click ‘Change’. Scroll down to the ‘Manage Election’ section and click ‘Withdraw from Scheme’ or you can complete a Dividend Reinvestment Removal Form or send a letter of instruction (which includes your full name, address and the company you hold shares in to:- The City Partnership (UK) Limited, The Mending Rooms, Park Valley Mills, Meltham Road, Huddersfield HD4 7BH. You may also send a scanned signed copy to

Important Information

Capital is at risk. The value of an investment, and any income from it can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the full amount they invest. Venture Capital Trusts (“VCTs”) should be considered longer-term investments and may be higher risk and more difficult to realise than an investment in listed securities. Tax reliefs are dependent on the VCT maintaining its qualifying status and on investors’ individual circumstances. Current tax rules are subject to change. If a VCT loses its qualifying status, tax advantages will be withdrawn from that point. VCTs usually trade at a discount to their net asset value.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Foresight Group LLP does not provide investment, legal, tax or other advice and the information on this website should not be construed as such. We recommend investors seek advice from a regulated financial adviser.

Investors should only invest in Foresight VCTs on the basis of information contained in the applicable Documentation (including any Brochure, Fund Prospectus, Offer Documents, Key Information Documents and Disclosure Documentation) or Terms and Conditions of Investment as appropriate.

Please refer to our Risk Warnings page for full general and specific risk information.

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Foresight Group Holdings; investing to build a sustainable future and grow thriving economies.