Natural Capital
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Nature Recovery Ambition Statement Update

Following on from the release of our Nature Recovery Ambition Statement, we share an overview of Foresight’s progress on nature positive actions from our forestry team to our solar funds. Set against the backdrop of the UN Biodiversity Conferences’ (COP15) targets and The Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)’s recently published recommendations, Foresight continues to utilise its assets to accelerate nature recovery.
Nature Vs Technology at Foresight's Sustainability Forum in partnership with The Eden Project
Foresight continues its sustainability partnership with The Eden Project, launching the inaugural Foresight Sustainability Conference onsite in Cornwall and building new resources to improve learning surrounding nature recovery. One of the key debates during the Forum was on ‘Nature versus Technology,’ which can be viewed here: Debate: Nature vs technology solutions - how do we tackle the climate crisis? - YouTube
Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company (FSF) Joins Forces with Upper Urr Environmental Trust
At Upper Barr, an afforestation site in Dumfries & Galloway in Scotland, FSF joined forces with the Upper Urr Environmental Trust (“UUET”) to help promote community led nature recovery projects. Led by this community focused group, a parcel of unplanted land at Upper Barr is leased to the UUET and used by members of the community for non-commercial riparian reforestation, peatland restoration and other activities. The agreement will last for 20-years, giving the community rights to develop these projects long term whilst working in partnership with FSF.
FSF afforestation site at Shorthope
Foresight Infrastructure Biodiversity Baselining
Foresight’s Infrastructure division is progressing on its journey towards nature recovery, understanding how to quantify future potential for nature positive impact. This involves using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a form of presenting and analysing geospatial data. GIS is the core discipline for understanding where Foresight's assets are geographically and examining their impact on nature and where new opportunities may lie.
Bee Farming Initiative at Foresight Solar Fund Limited's (FSFL) Sandridge Site
Alongside other projects, Sandridge is increasing its pollinator presence through a bee farming initiative. Bees are vital to agricultural production and play an active role helping plants grow and to produce food. Partnering with a local bee farmer, Foresight deployed 80 hives across eight strategically selected locations on the large site. Careful consideration was given to select these sites, addressing the proximity of neighbouring hives and nectar availability to give the hives the greatest chances of success.
FSFL’s Sandridge site bee hives
Frodsham Wind Farm Ecological Survey
Ecological surveys conducted on Foresight's Frodsham wind farm (part of Foresight's Inheritance Tax Solution fund), have recognised a positive relationship between wind farms and increased bird species. Atmos Consultancy (a firm that has provided ecological surveys and support throughout Fordsham’s development) conducted the latest survey using sniffer dogs, a new more cost-effective approach approved by Natural England and recently adopted by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The dogs are trained to support survey work for several species such bats, great crested newts and bird carcass searches. The annual Atmos surveys are discussed with the Habitat Creation and Monitoring Group (HCMG) and based on outcomes, proactive and habitat management is then agreed for the year.
Looking Ahead
In partnership with The Eden Project, Foresight is currently preparing a first Solar Nature Recovery Blueprint. Launching this year, the blueprint will provide guidance to land managers on practical measures to assess, control and enhance nature and biodiversity across our solar sites. Additionally, Foresight will host its second Sustainability Forum which will bring together instrumental players who are working towards a nature positive transition.
To view Foresight’s Nature Ambition Statement click here.